Friday, October 25, 2019

Week 14: (10/13-10/19)

What I Sold
1984 7 LP Box Record Set                                                      $14.50
Boy Scout Patch                                                                      $10.99
Banana Republic Dress Shirt                                                  $10.00

Total This Week:  $35.49

Total For 4th Month:  $302.46

Thoughts:  A big drop off this week, but I was getting quite a few offers on my items.  The offers just weren't good enough and the buyers just didn't want to budge.  They have a bottom line and so do I.  I have a feeling that next week is going to be really good.

Issues:  None

Week 13: (10/6-10/12)

What I Sold
Vintage Stetson Cowboy Hat                                                         $150.00
Chico's Women's Jacket                                                                 $10.99
Vintage Kansas City Royals Starter Windbreaker                         $82.99
Rare Viagra Clipboard                                                                   $22.99

Total This Week:  $266.97

Total For 4th Month:  $266.97

Thoughts:  Finally sales picked up, but more importantly some of the bigger ticket items are finally selling.  I have to give credit to my wife on the cowboy hat find and she found it for $12.00.  Great buy by her.  The Royals jacket was interesting also because I could find nothing else like it.  I figured I would list it for $100 and see what happens, and when I was offered $82.99 I jumped at it.  Another great find for $2.  Also a friend gave me the Viagra clipboard because she was embarrassed to put it in her yard sale and I will gladly pick that up and sell it for $22.99.  Now I am just hoping the momentum continues.

Issues:  None

Week 12: (9/29-10/5)

What I Sold
Boy Scout Patch                                                                          $4.99
Kansas City Royals St. Patrick's Day Hat                                   $12.00

Total This Week:  $16.99

Total This Month:  $101.49

Total After 3 Months:  $1284.73

Thoughts:  I am completely embarrassed by this month's sales.  I am just going to leave it at that.

Issues:  None

Week 11: (9/22-9/28)

What I Sold
Paper Snow Cone Cups                                                                        $11.99
Tom Watson Golf Hat                                                                          $14.99
Impossible Burger Hat                                                                         $14.99
Iowa Hawkeyes Women's Sweatshirt                                                  $10.55
1969 Boy Scouts Patch                                                                        $4.99

Total This Week:  $57.51

Total For 3rd Month:  $84.50

Thoughts:  Not a real bad week considering the previous 2 weeks.  I more than doubled my previous 2 weeks sales which is a good thing.  It is always fun to sell my Boy Scout patches and seeing where they go too.  I usually get a message from the buyer telling me a story about why they are so happy they found the patch.  I'm hoping to get a story from this buyer also.

Issues:  None

Week 10: (9/15-9/21)

What I Sold
Women's Reebok Athletic Shirt                                                         $5.99

Total This Week:  $5.99

Total For 3rd Month:  $26.99

Thoughts:  New week, same story.  I just can't find any real good items to list lately.  The place that I usually buy my higher priced items is currently being remodeled.  This really hurts my sales because this is the place I usually find my unusual and higher priced items.  Hopefully it gets remodeled quickly, but after talking to the owner he said it might take a month.  I just keep remembering that the holiday season is coming. 

Issues:  None, but with $5.99 in sales I shouldn't have any.

Week 9 (9/8-9/14)

What I Sold
Lane Bryant Sweater                                                             $12.00
Arsenal Emirates Soccer Jersey                                            $9.00

Total This Week:  $21.00

Total For 3rd Month:  $21

Thoughts:  Wow what a lousy week and start to the 3rd month.  Like I keep saying this is a slow time of the year.  Wait until the months of late October and November.

Issues:  None

Week 8 (9/1-9/7)

What I Sold
Busch Stadium Post Card                                                   $2.99
Starlog Magazine                                                                $3.99
Snoopy's Wardrobe Outfit .                                                 $9.99
The Shadow 35mm Slide                                                    $6.00

Total This Week:  $22.97

Total For 2nd Month:  $336.66

Total For The Year:  $1183.24

Thoughts:  What can I say it was a really lousy week.  Unfortunately it will be like this for at least another month.  This is the time of year was kids are back in school and families are getting back into a routine and my sales always suffer.  It is always like that on Ebay.  I just have to remember that the holiday season will more than make up for this lull.  Sales dropped up more than $500 this month, but honestly this is due to my big ticket items not selling as well. 

Issues:  Thank goodness none.

Week 7 (8/25-8/31)

What I Sold
St. Louis Blues Jersey                                                         $100.00
Super Hero Action Figures                                                 $7.00
Franco Sarto Womens Shoes                                              $18.00
Rod & Gun Sports Shop Hat                                              $10.00
6 Starting Lineup Figures                                                   $11.99
Lego Movie McDonalds Happy Meal Toy                         $2.99

Total This Week:  $149.98
Total For 2nd Month:  $313.69

Thoughts:  The Blues jersey was a big sell, but unfortunately this is the season where I don't tend to sell much.  I just have to keep listing and remember that the holiday season is right around the corner and to have items ready for it.  Hopefully next week will be better.

Issues:  This doesn't happen very often, but there was a buyer who bought a pair of shoes from me for $25.00 and didn't pay for them.  I have my setting set up where if a buyer doesn't pay after 7 days from purchasing the item Ebay opens a case against them.  I always email my buyers if they haven't paid within 5 days about this and that I can't cancel the order after Ebay opens a case and they will usually pay.  This buyer just decided he wasn't going to pay and Ebay stepped in and relisted my item for me.